Saturday, May 17, 2008

Nonlinear world

When I had just a nodding acquaintance,even now I have only a nodding acquaintance with turbulence but at least I am aware that I have seen only the tip of the iceberg,I used to wonder what is so profound abt turbulence. When I formally attended a course ( actually preachings of Prof O N Ramesh ) I learned that there is a fundamental difficulty in understanding fluid dynamics b'coz these systems which we frequently encounter in nature are inherently nonlinear.....why nonlinear systems are difficult to understand????the major privilege enjoyed by a linear system is that the principle of superposition is applicable in a linear system!!!not so in a nonlinear system. . It is a well known fact the mathematics required to understand such systems is not yet known.Why???Right from our childhood we have been taught how to handle linear systems,even when everything happening around us are inherently nonlinear, by using the superposition principle which tells that the effects of causes are additive so that they can be treated separately and the effects can then be added. This is so not possible in a nonlinear system because the effects of a cause are very much interrelated. So a bias has been created in our minds to view any system as linear or to be precise we know only to look at the linear part of the problem........if u ve studied some fluid dynamics u will realize how we cleverly got rid of the nonlinear advection terms in Navier-Stokes equation!!!! N-S equations are just mathematical forms of expressing the most fundamental properties of any physical system namely conservation of mass,energy and balance of momentum(Newton's 2 nd law).....they completely describe turbulence,but they cannot be solved. God has made the problem so formidable that the system of PDE's is not closed that is to say that the number of equations are less than the number of unknowns. So we should get rid of the bias in our minds towards linear systems. The only way is to unlearn what all we have learned till now and start afresh.Start looking at the problem with a clean mind without any bias!!!!!!If I take a pessimistic view, we cannot solve the problem since we have come a long way carrying the bias......a new school of thought should come abt to carry forward the understanding of nonlinear systems........lets hope for a new kind of mathematics to take the problem of nonlinearity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sagittarius said...

"God has made the problem so formidable..."...Lord Cockroach lays His/Her hands/tentacles/whatever over the Flu. Mech. too!!Nice one da!One has to refine his/her thoughts to get to the wavelength of non-conventional stuff and realize the "meaning of it all"!

«AM» said...

All was going well about the lack of equations to solve non-linear systems when suddenly... God... wait, what?

Hmmm I would say it is more of 'luck' of 'discovering' more... It boils down to a difference of belief..

I still can't stop giggling... This is the mother of all debates, God and science.

krishna said...

and i was blaming myself for not having learnt fluid mech properly. so as far as ur theory goes whatever has been learnt has to be unlearnt. quite true that we have been really viewing things linearly to such an extent that anything non linear appears as "unsolvable". it should infact be the impetus for our thinking. but mind u as far as the analogy between god and non linear stuff is concerned, for a layman not knowing wat the true meaning of life is or the ultimate truth(or in this case the solution to non linear systems)is a boon too. afterall ignorance is bliss

RAJA said...

it is quite informative da..i like it a lot because of its self-explanatory form..keep going.. have to learn lots of stuff from you..